Saturday, August 2, 2008

Breaking Dawn

I just finished reading Breaking Dawn, and ... Wow. That's all I can say. This book was amazing. I got home from work around 1:30 and immediately started reading and didn't look up from the book till I realized it was 4am and decided I should probably get some sleep. I work up around 8, started reading again and continued reading until I finished about half an hour ago.

These books really took me by surprise. I still can't believe I love them as much as I do. They're just so engrossing. I already can't wait for the release of Midnight Sun (Twilight retold from Edward's perspective) and Stephenie Meyer hasn't even finished writing it yet.

If you're at all interested in the Supernatural and aren't adverse to romance, I highly recommend these books. They may be about high school students, but they're not as immature as you would expect. Definitely more along the lines of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

1 comment:

BOO said...

I cannot wait for Midnight Sun!! If the rest of it is as good as the first chapter, it may end up being my favorite of the series...

Have you read The Host? If not, you should definitely check it out. I really enjoyed that book too, and can't wait to see what else Stephenie Meyer comes up with!