Friday, August 29, 2008

Midnight Sun - The Partial Draft

For Twilight fans:

Apparently some moron got ahold of a partial draft of Stephenie Meyer's Midnight Sun (Twilight from Edwards POV) and posted it online. In a statement on her website, Stephenie said that she's put work on the novel on hold indefinitely, meaning it may never be published. I'm hoping once things blow over and she's calmed down she'll change her mind and complete the novel.

However, I can't blame her. I know personal the writing process is, and it truly is a violation to have something read publicly before it is completed to your satisfaction.

On a brighter note, Stephenie has decided that since the copy has already circulated the internet, she herself would provide access to the novel, so fans wouldn't have to feel guilty about reading it and being curious. The portion posted goes up to about halfway through chapter 11 ("Complications") of Twilight. There is a link on the main page of her website, as well as a letter from Stephenie, for anyone who is interested. I'm definitely going to be reading it; if there's a chance it won't ever be published then I'll at least read what I can.

There's a link to Stephenie's website in my list of links to the right, if you're interested.

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